Minuty Rose 750ml

Minuty Rose 750ml

  • $25.00
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Minuty M is also pure Minuty, embodying the winery's distinctive style that combines intense aromas with light flavours. The winemakers, Jean-Etienne and François Matton, carefully select grape varietals to achieve this unique profile. The blend primarily features Grenache, known for its elegant aromas, Cinsault for its freshness, Syrah for its complexity, and a touch of seafront Tibouren for delicate white fruit aromas. This combination locks in all the bright intensity of the grapes' juices. On the palate, Minuty M Côtes de Provence Rosé enchants with its vibrant and expressive character. It unveils intense aromas that range from tangy berries to tropical fruit notes, captivating the senses from the first sip. The wine dances on the palate, offering a light and refreshing experience. Zesty and herbaceous notes add a refreshing touch, further enhancing the wine's vibrancy and liveliness.

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